Monday, July 25, 2011

Summer Summations

I have been putting off reflecting on the past year that I've spent in San Diego. You know, because it just seems a little too boring and predictable. But allow me to be indulge myself (for once) and reflect a bit. . .

(Motown/Coral Lipstick/Shiny Dresses = You're Welcome)
  1. For the first time ever, I have an awesome commute. I literally take the scenic route to and from work everyday. If my timing is right, I hit all the lights on my way home and feel like I'm in Starsky and Hutch as I floor it down really steep hills toward the sparkly bay. No more drawbridges to keep me from my house when I really, really have to pee b/c I have a hard time peeing in public restrooms and I've been holding it all day. No more wasting 2-3 hours of my day stuck on the Deadliest Stretch of Road in America trying to get to Boca for class or work. No more leaving for work when it's still dark out and you're sweating because it's already 85 degrees at 6:15 a.m.
  2. I am okay with being a renter again. And having a roommate. Didn't really expect that to happen to me in my 30s, but I have realized that I need a heated pool and a water view in order for me to be happy. And I get to see fireworks every night. And you know how I feel about sparkly glittery stuff! And it is fun to talk shoes and get opinions on my date outfits from my roomie.
  3. My ego/brain demands that I have a job where I need an access card to get to the office. I have paid my debt to society and I am okay w/ being a corporate d!ckhead once again. I feel very fortunate to have gotten away from high schoolers. And a little guilty for abandoning the altruism that allowed me to make some pretty interesting decisions over the years.
  4. No More Project Guys. I will only date guys with jobs who don't need me to provide anything for them. Regardless of how hot and fun they are. And lean. And chiseled. With fantasgreat cheekbones. And soft blonde curls. I am okay with being vocal about not wanting to date anymore losers. This doesn't make me a bad person or a gold digger?
  5. My friends are pretty much cooler and better and more amazing than anyone else's. I feel sooooo fortunate to have friends who love me no matter how redonk I am - I don't know how anyone goes through life without people they can trust and lean on when things get sucky.
  6. I haven't been surfing that much. I figure I lived in a small beach town for the last 8 years and didn't have anything to do other than surf. So I think it's okay if I do other things right now. Like go to Vegas...