Thursday, July 24, 2008

Coffee Book Ideas

I thought of one yesterday: A book full of profiles of guys who've been dumped by their girlfriends, who then read The Secret and update their Myspace profile accordingly. It's quite a phenomenon and it's hilarious when you come across the online carnage. I would post some of my favorites, but it's just too pathetic.

Another book idea I had occurred after a hurricane (I lost track of the names a long time ago) while I was looking at some of the damage. Feeling rather cranky after going weeks without A/C during a heat wave, I noticed that a steeple had broken off and was stabbing the roof of a church. I thought about all of the Time magazine photo of the year entries that always show some poor rural town completely decimated save (I have a problem with puns) its one church which stands unscathed. (Never mind that money spent building a structually sound church may have been better used to safeguard the congregation's homes.)

Anyway, I thought, why not make a coffee table dedicated to lampooning those types of images? The church crushed by its own steeple would have made a great cover. I'm not sure who would fund this type of book, who would buy it other than Marilyn Manson, or who would even agree to sell it. But I still think it's a great idea. I would title it Salvation My Ass.

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