Sunday, August 10, 2008

It's so cool not to watch t.v.

I can't stand people who talk about how t.v. rots your brain. How they're so above it all because they don't watch The Soup. Yeah, try a little harder there Hippy McHipster. I've always had a problem with either overdoing it, or getting a sense of pleasure from self-deprivation. In true dramazon fashion, I had a roommate who worked for a cable company and got every channel, every pay per view, everything-for free. Needless to say, I waaay overdid it that summer. So when I got my own place I went a year without t.v No dvd's either. No internet. I decided I would get a lot of reading done and be super-productive. Full-on Unabomber style, minus the manifesto.

After the year was up, I got cable back and realized how relaxing t.v. was. It allowed me to tune out, which is a good thing for a bad sleeper. Reading before bed just got me all worked up, plus the neverending silence was a bit much. Welcome back, basic cable!

So, I put my cable on hold for the summer and haven't made the call to get it turned back on. My internet card isn't working right either, so I rented some Arrested Development dvd's and that's what I've been watching. And now I can't stop talking like Will Arnett. I would post a video of Gob trying to get his Segway up a hill, but can't get the damn computer to work. So google "Gob Hulu Segway" to find the full episode of "Staff Infection."


Nat D said...

My TV and I bond heavily. I heart Arrested Development as much as but in a different way than I heart Tim and Eric.

Anonymous said...

Hahaha! One producer type's myspace comes to mind. Maybe it's just on my brain this week...