Friday, September 5, 2008

More Cheddar

I absolutely love this photo. I think it's from 4 or 5 years ago, when we were on our way to Ladies' Night, and Kris was ticked because we made him wear formal attire. He kept complaining all night about how uncomfortable he was in his "monkey suit." After hitting the bars we all decided to go nightsurfing. This comedy of errors was captured on Kris's polaroid camera, and I don't know where those pictures went, but I do know that our inebriated state caused us to lose either the camera, the pictures, or both, on the beach that night.

What's even funnier is that picture is still hanging on my wall (please people, I got over my crush on him eons ago), as it was one of the few pics that fit in this frame. I am sure that Kris was a little bugged out when he came to visit this winter, and he and all of his friends saw a framed picture of him up on my wall.


Anonymous said...

Absolutely one of my favorite nights ever hanging out with you 2. So so many funny moments. People at the bar may have thought we were call girls they hired. If that was their formal attire....ours was a bit more Jersey Shore meets black tie :) He told me once that he loved the pictures from this night too.

Anonymous said...

Oh and of course a great night with Koegel too :) Who was a better drunk night surfer than I will ever be daytime, night time, drunk or sober!

Nat D said...

I'm sure he loved seeing the photo Megan, really.