Saturday, October 4, 2008

Redneck Nation

This clip is about Bill Maher's new movie. It's pretty funny, but what struck a chord with me was his comment about how we're a nation of progressive "elitists" and stupid rednecks. I'd kind of thought this was a problem unique to Florida, but I guess it's more widespread. My neighborhood (hey, it's close to the beach!) is also referred to as the last redneck stronghold of the South. Half gayborhood, half abandoned cars and hot water heaters, I ended up picking the end of the street that has transformed into a redneck paradise. And by paradise I mean hell.

Anyway, my neighbors are nice, but their penchant for remote controlled cars (an adult past time) and airbrushed tailgate murals both puzzles and fascinates me. Joe six-pack, indeed. I'll lay off Palin, but I really don't understand how people could want someone like that to have any political influcence. My friend made a comment that the rednecks are happy to finally have a voice, and perhaps some power through her candidacy. Now I am all for empowering the world's disenfranchised and marginalized, but I am just not ready to have another aw shuckster further fouling things up.

(People love to hear about my neighbors, so I plan on adding some stories soon.)

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