Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Tripping the Light Fanspastic

One of the reasons that teaching is so stressful (really, it is!) is that there are always at least 25 pairs of judgmental eyes staring at you all day long.  Just waiting for you to make a mistake.  Wear something ugly.  Get a zit on the end of your nose.  Or, trip over the cord that runs from your desk to the wall that you must step over every time you try to squeeze through the six inches separating your desk from their desks while wearing heels.  So this happened yesterday.  Of course, the snarky annoying girl saw me do it and started laughing.  I started laughing, too.  Then I feared they might think I'm drunk. 

At the end of day I get a text from a guy who used to work there, who admitted to me that he was a sex addict who liked to go to sex clubs in his spare time.  He told me this at lunch.  The second time that he hung out with me.  (The first time he decided to ask me out.)  He then told me that he has huge gambling debts, is in recovery for drug/alcohol abuse, his parents have to pay all his bills, and he is in intense therapy.  He then asked me out again.  This really wasn't even one of my worst lunches at this job!  But back to the creepy text.  He said that a student had updated their facebook status to:  "Dramazon tripped again today in class.  It made my life."  Before I even get to this, I really must draw attention to the fact that he sent the text immediately after she posted it.  Why was he checking this teenager's fb page at 2:30 pm? 

Anygrossy, I was a little shocked that this particular student posted this.  She always seemed so nice.  And then people started commenting on her status.  Students that I didn't even know "Like[d] This."  And then students who I had also previously thought were nice started chiming in about how they wished they'd seen it.  And one even put "lol. TIMBERRRR!"  Nice, right?  Too bad they can kiss their stupid letters of recommendation goodbye. 

I was still feeling very self-conscious all day today.  I was telling one class about some grammar websites and instead of saying Hunter College, well, I switched the first letters around.  FML!  And of course, I remember that they are all fb fans of "I think it's so funny when my teacher says something dirty and doesn't realize it."

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The titles to your entries are my favorites!