Thursday, September 2, 2010

French Bulldog Full-court Press

Coffee Update
Still using the new coffee maker.  The French press can suck it.  It isn't green.  It isn't good for the environment.  It makes weak coffee.  Here's why:
-Energy used to boil water on stove
-Three times the amount of grounds needed = more trips to grocery store, increased carbon emissions, eventual deforestation and environmental apocalypse accelerated
-Much water and soap is wasted as you spend hours washing the damn thing

So, I will not give up on my Black and Decker.  Although it is now perched on a shelf,  and because our house leans to one side, I just caught my magic mug before it slid off the too-small platform today.  The mug was a souvenir I got for an ex when I visited HI a few years ago.  Actually, I presented a paper to three people and got my school to pay for most of my trip.  I believe he tried to give the mug back to me, in lieu of rent money, one month.  So I didn't feel bad keeping it when I kicked him out. 

Dog Walk Update
Didn't go so well.  I walked in and the neighbor's dog understandably started barking.  Then he blocked the door.  So I just kind of stepped over him and tried not to snoop through anything.  Dog didn't like me putting the collar on him, but I knew I couldn't show fear.  Or disgust.  Dog seems kind of excited to go outside, until he decided I was trying to dognap him and refused to leave his yard.  So, like a moron, I walked him around the perimeter of the house several times.  He was over that soon and just sat on his fat haunches, glaring at me with bulging, bloodshot eyes.  So I put him back inside.  Neighbor texted me thanking me for walking the dog.  I told him the dog wouldn't walk.  He replied:  He's just like his Poppa and doesn't like to be on a leash. 
Yeah.  Awesome.  Didn't reply to that one.

Something good almost came out of it when a never before seen hot neighbor came by with his dog the other night when I got back from surfing.  My roommate's dog was so happy to see me that she jumped up on the fence and licked me.  Hot guy with dog thought that was cute.  And just as we start to fall madly in love, annoying neighbor walks up and says, "Hey, do you like beer or wine. I'll bring over either."  Hot guy walks away.  But not before I made a mental note of the time that he walks his dog.  I told short neighbor, who I noticed owns a copy of Jesus Surfs, not to worry about it.

I feel like dogs know boundaries but play dumb.  My roommate's dog isn't allowed in my room b/c of my allergies.  So she always lies just outside my door, making sure that at least six inches of her front paws are in my room.  I know she's doing it just to mess with me.  Here is what she looks like after I move her paws back beyond the imaginary boundary.  She waits until I'm not looking and then moves them back.


The Dog said...

Well, I think you are using the press almost totally wrong, so don't throw it away just yet. I'll show you how to make it work after our next date, but it'll cost you LOTS of desert when you take me out to dinner. I'm thinking at least 3, maybe 4.
Ha.....who are we kidding; it's gonna cost you at least 6.
The grounds get dumped around the roses outside your bedroom window.

And, honey.......that dog owns you. That over-the-shoulder look is nearly a cat's look. You've been taken in by good looks and an energetic personality, so just go ahead and submit; let him ride shotgun, and EFB else has to sit in the back, cuz you're his.......


Dramazon said...

I will admit to not exactly being mechanically inclined, but the French press is ridiculously high maintenance for making stupid coffee. And I do add the grounds to the compost pile. (Not mine - I am not a dirty hippie gardener.)

You like to eat hot sand after dinner? Weird. ;)

I know she is just using me for treats and tennis balls. And just like a guy, when she hears me on the phone, she starts fussing until she has my undivided attention. I have stopped wrapping my hair in a towel after my shower because she doesn't like when people wear stuff on their heads.

The Dog said...

Well, we'll talk more about that press next time we're laying about bed'n'body surfing during Cinemax, but I DO drink coffee, I just don't drink that transmission fluid you get from that robo-drip electric drill/coffee maker of yours in the mornings because that stuff's just putrid.
That's why, even when I'm skulking in late late late at night after your slurred phone calls to come over that I'm carrying a Starbucks cup.
And I still need that new doorkey; I told you that I don't like having to jiggle the lock to get the door open.
And don't forget about my deserts.