Sunday, February 28, 2010

The Low-Hanging Fruit

I decided I should maybe start taking more pictures of stuff for my blog.  This was the only thing I saw this week that made me get out my camera.  As you can see, I really shouldn't be getting my camera out anymore.  Taking pictures is for people who don't have photographic memories.  (Don't get all excited, it only helps me with spelling and dwelling on the past.) 

I am sorry if I seem like a total perv lately.  It should only get worse because I haven't even kissed anyone since December of 2009.   And no, I didn't eat the strawberry.

And since we're I'm getting pervy, here's what happens when you fall asleep at your friend's house and there are a bunch of jokesters around.  (I need to start designing extra-long chaise lounges before the rigormortis becomes permanent.)

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