Sunday, April 4, 2010

Need your help with picking an outfit!

Things are about to get crazy.  Just got back from CA where I picked up a sinus infection even though I didn't surf Cardiff.  I took some Nyquil and am trying to pass the time until it's my CA bedtime so that I can wake up at 2:30 a.m. CA time and start off my week.  I am not excited.  Except I have a photo shoot tomorrow!  That may sound waaaay too impressive; but I am going to a studio to get my picture taken, and then they may select me for this auction thing.  Now, I wanted to be all diva-like and tell them that I am not wasting my time going to some studio if I'm not going to be picked.  But it's for charity, so you can't be an asshole to volunteers.

Of course, I am overthinking the whole thing.  I'm not sure if I should wear my hair straight or wavy.  Wavy looks good in CA, but not in FL humidity.  Especially after working all day.  I am probably going to be the only person who shows up with an array of outfit options.  I am definitely going to bring crips white shorts and a black tank/blouse.  Other than that, I'm torn between two sweetheart neckline fun dresses, and two workish outfits (as this is an auction of professionals which means I may have to lie about my job).  And then I have one cold weather option in case it is cold in the studio.  You never know!  Please tell me what you think.  But don't be jerks.  Thanks!

Option A  I look pissed off because I am.  My camera takes the blurriest pictures and is so annoying.  I like this one because it has pockets and that will give me something to do with my arms.  However, my tanlines look tacky, but I cannot get rid of them.  No, I don't have any bronzer or cover up.  I am also thinking this might make me look too little-girly?

Option B  Which I like because it's new and I don't look as little girly or wide.  But it might be too short?  (I know, I know - like I should talk.)

Option C  The C is for conservative, and this one is kinda boring.  Pink sweater with pencil skirt.  Should I tell people I'm a teacher?  I don't want any pervs trying to live out some English teacher fantasy.

Option D  Black skirt, black top with billowy sleeves, special whore shoes that make me feel special.  Pretty basic.

Cryophobic Option  You never know.  I'm thinking I might look like a pregnant biker dominatrix?


Anonymous said...

Not fair, you look cute in all of them! I like A and cryptophobic. best. Hate the pencil skirt and pink sweater becuase it is something I would wear.

Tata said...

I like option B, but that's just because I tried it on and left a good luck booger on the inseam... j/k! No, really, I like option B, but I'd pair it with a sweater of sorts which you can remove if things start to heat up at the photo shoot. Its always good to have a layer to remove--whether actually, or with the eyes. Go get 'em Stella!

P.S. We missed you for the earthquake. Its been long time since the ground shook in your absence, but I think I've finally moved on...

Dramazon said...

Everyone liked crytophobic, but it was 85 degrees today, so leggings and a leather jacket would have been weird.

Tata, I thought that was a Harry Potter jelly bean! Yummers either way. And thanks for thinking of Stella when your booty was shakin'.

And thanks to everyone for helping me out! Update to follow.

lawless said...

My late vote - Option C with the whore shoes.

Everyone likes a slutty teacher.

Remember, it's for charity.