Sunday, February 21, 2010

Why I'm an Idiot and Other News

There is no other news.  I am an idiot.  Here's why:

1.  I really enjoy deleting guys' numbers from my list of contacts.  It gives me an incredible sense of satisfaction and power.  It keeps me from making poor decisions late at night.  Usually.

I thought I had deleted Arrogant Guy's number after he hadn't called me within a week.  And with the computer guy's home and work numbers, my neighbor's number (more about that later), and the constant string of new numbers from my ex who is incapable of handling the responsibility of having a real phone, there were a bunch of unsaved, unfamiliar numbers popping up on my phone.  So the text that I got which had some lyric from a stupid song, and some stupid setiment written underneath said stupid lyric, must be from AG since I'm irresistible.  So when I wrote back some nerdy retorts (why can't I learn my lesson and BE NICE to guys?), it took me all of two replies to realize that now I was texting my ex.  Bad.  Very bad.  Because now he won't leave me alone even though I texted him that I thought he was a different guy.  The ex called me last night to see if he could crash on my couch because, through no fault of his own, he is currently homeless.  If I had just checked my contacts, and seen that I hadn't deleted AG's number, this could have all been avoided.

(from expatbrazil wordpress)

2.  Went out in Wilton Manors last night.  Now for those of you not in the no-no, this is like the east coast version of The Castro.  So I'm surrounded by gay men and no one is paying attention to me.  I get drunk.  I get bored.  I pick up my phone.  Decide to text my professor who lives in WM and say "Hey, I know you probably hate me but I'm down in WM.  Would like to see you now that I'm free from that awful school."  I figured he would have my number saved under "Super Needy Unhinged Thesis Student Don't Answer Under Any Circumstances."  I waited to hear back.  Got a text this morning from him asking "who is this??"  I suddenly realized that if he hadn't saved my number, I might look like a former student who was in love with him and finally wanted to let him know now that I'd graduated and it wouldn't be awkward.  Super fun!

More later.  The sun is shining for the first time in months; I'm headed to the beach.


Emilija said...

BB? If yes, then I'm sure he didn't mind the drunk text.

p.s. I am seriously in love with your blog.

dramazon said...

Aww, thanks! It actually turned out well, as it opened up a conciliatory (on my end) dialogue with BB. I just think he would be so fun to hang out with. He swears I don't annoy him, but I'm not so sure...

Emilija said...

Glad you've opened up the communication gates :)
BB seems to be annoyed with everyone, but I think it's a sign of love.

I'm going down to WM on the 13th with some friends (from the class that I'm currently taking with BB)--you should come.